Linux Administrator and AWS



Since it was a pandemic situation and the same situation continued for longer w don’t want keep the students idle. As the proverb says “Idle mind is devil workshop”. We helped the students in occupying them with worth webinar, classes and quizzes.

So we organized National webinar on 17.06.2021 titled “Linux Administrator and AWS”. The resource person was Mr.K.R.Venkatesan, B.E.,System Analyst, DXC Technology, Bangalore.


Under the guidance of the college administration team organized for the betterment of student’s community for all around of our college in Tiruvannamalai Dt. 145 students and 10 faculties participated in this National webinar which was free of registration.

The participants were able to strengthen their knowledge on;

At the end of this webinar time was given to all the participants for clarifying their doubts. This was done by the facilitator in a satisfactory manner. A word of appreciation was given to everyone by our college principal through this webinar.