Anti ragging cell

Anti ragging cell   Activities

Committee Meetings and Minutes

Activities done from 04/07/2018 to 19.07.2019

Anti-Ragging cell is formed in our college with the following objective to Curb out ragging It is brought to the notice of the Institutions Students and other Various stockholders that ragging in a criminal offence and UGC has framed regulations on curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational Institution, in order to Prohibit, Prevent and eliminate the source of ragging. The Regulations have been notified Vide No.f.1-16/2009(cpp-II) dated 21.10.2009 are available on UGC website


On 04/07/2018 Mrs.Rajeswari and Ms.J.Malathi reminded the students of Anti-Ragging, that is as per honorable Supreme Court of India, UGC regulations and Tamilnadu prohibition of ragging Act 1977,Ragging is considered as a sadist thrill, and it is a violation of human right

Also both of them gave the details of our college Ragging Committee members for any contact more ever they insisted about the values of human life and the value of education


Today evening our Secretary Sr.Julia Violet and Sr.Prema attended the’ Anti Ragging Meeting’ conducted by our district collector at the Collector Office


Today the college had a anti-ragging committee meet Principal, Committee Members, Squad Members, Mentoring cell members and students forum of the college have attended the meeting

  • In the meeting it has been anomalously received to have a periodical meeting in the campus at, once in the term the comfort ability of the student against ragging
  • It has been resolved to give awareness to the entire students of an college to give complaint against ragging through mail or making phone to members of the Anti-Ragging Cell or Posting the complaint in the Complaint box affixed in the front of the principal room
  • It has to discuss to conduct Cultural programm ,Lectures ,Meeting against

ragging after the students of I year settle in the college, The Committee members, squad Members and the students said that, they have not observed any ragging activities in the meeting we planned in give cultural programmed on the theme ‘Anti-Ragging’;


No.TV.u/R/Anti-Ragging Report/2018/2043 was received and submitted the hard copy at the Collector Office on11/09/18


Today we have conducted an Anti-Ragging Committee meet Principal, Committee members, Square members, Mentoring Cell members and students forum of the college have attended the meeting. During the meeting the Principal enquired the members presented there “Is there anybody knows anything regarding” Anti-Ragging issues happened in our college after the Constitution of the ‘Ragging Cell’. members had no idea and they all responded and that, they have not seen such kind of issues.

Later Once again she reminded the UGC Norms of the ‘Anti-Ragging’. The meeting came to end at 3 minutes.


Based on the resolution point No.2 of 16/8/18 awareness and motivation was given to all the students of our college. Our Principal insisted and motivated the student

  • Not to wave hands or make noise in the bus while going back from college or coming to college.
  • If anybody (boys) follow the bus or give some materials or gifts to be given to the other bus students or to the hostellers immediately inform the matter to the bus in charge, Staff or to the Management.
  • Nobody is allowed to celebrate bus day or any other days. Very specially not to give anything to the devices.
  • Obey to the request and the advice of the bus in charge staff and without the permission of the management don’t keep any music set or pen drive in the bus.


Anti-Ragging meeting was conducted in our college in order to give awareness to the students. Principal Rev. Dr. Jasmine gave a speech about Anti-Ragging that the students should be more cautions to unknown persons. She mentioned the Pollachi sexual abuse case and the victims of more than 200 teenage girls, So Beware of

  • The unknown people.
  • Don’t go out with other gender for parties and other areas without the permission of the parents or elders.
  • Suppose anything happens immediately inform to the trustworthy people or to the police department and the college Anti-Ragging committee members.
  • Using the mass media very specially Face book’s and other websites.


One day awareness program was conducted regarding Anti-Ragging during election time, suppose anything goes wrong, students can call anytime on the Toll free number 18001805522 or send an email to helpline ant ragging. in, as part of the ragging prevention programme.

Motivation was given to them to go for casting Vote and their duty to elect a leader for the Country.


On 19.07.19 “Anti-Ragging awareness “Program was conducted by the Anti-Ragging cell in our college auditorium. Mrs.LillyMalar Co-ordinator of Anti-Ragging and how to prevent Ragging.

Ragging means doing physically, psychologically harm or embarrassment to a new student in the college or school.If led to the death of many students like Naavarasu.

In order to prevent Ragging in school and colleges, the honourable Supreme court along with HIC has started the forum of “Anti-Ragging Committee cell” in every college and to set complaint box in all the main areas.

This committee includes journalist, Lawyer, Social Activist and students of the institution. If any complaints received the action should be taken by the local police within 24-48 hours.

This programme imparted the knowledge of “Anti-ragging”.



Anti -Ragging Committee is constituted in this college to prevent ragging and to take anti- ragging measures as per the guide lines issued by the Supreme Court of India & UGC.

An Anti-Ragging Committee is formed to address the issues concerning ragging. The members of the committee are as follows:-

1 Sr.I.Julia Violet
j.viola 9443952484
2 Sr.Sara Jasmine Principal 9894992133
3 Mrs.Antony Shanthi
Head of English 9786128023
4 Mrs.N.Kalai
Head of Commerce 6380895002 4
5 Ms.S.Latha
Head of Physics 9042102031
6 Ms.R.Kavitha Head of Mathematics 7904546513
7 Mrs.A.Rajeswari
Head of Microbiology 9962448060
8 Mrs.V.Selvi
Head of Tamil 8056820803

Administrativeactioninthe eventof ragginginIDHAYA COLLEGE: –

Depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishments, namely:

  • Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
  • Withholding results.
  • Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc..
  • Suspension/expulsion from the hostel.
  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.
  • Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period. Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment.

The college started the academic session of UG programme on October 29, 2021and celebrated the fresher’s day was on October29, 2021.


Under the pretext of ‘welcoming’ new students to the college, ragging is a practice that gives senior students an excuse to harass their junior counterparts and make them easy targets to satiate their own pleasures. The students of Idhaya College are here by warned that they shall not indulge in “RAGGING”. If they are found guilty of ragging they are liable for the above mentioned punishment.

The fresher’s / junior students are also hereby instructed that they should not respond to the calls from seniors, should not participate in any kind of party anywhere inside/outside the campus, even if ordered by the seniors and that, they have nothing to fear as the institution cares for them and shall not tolerate any atrocities against them.

College campus is ragging free, still all these measures have been taken to ensure that the fresher’s are able to pursue their studies without getting teased, insulted or in any way troubled by the seniors in the name of an obsolete, barbaric ritual. All of this was possible only because of the whole-hearted support from students and teachers.