Youth Red Cross

Youth Red Cross   Activities

Youth Red Cross

The International Red Cross Movement is the well- known and worldwide humanitarian organization, present in almost all the countries. The fundamental prineiples of Red Cross Movement are Humanity,

Impartiality,Neutrality,Independence,Voluntary Services,Utility.

Red Cross Society functions with the one and only aim of serving people in distress without any consideration of caste, religion, language and nationality. The Indian Red Cross Society serves as an auxiliary to the state authorities accepting the rules and regulations of the state, but at the same time maintains its autonomy, so that it can act always in accordance with the fundamental principles.

What is Youth Red Cross

The Youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross. It is a group movement organized at the initial stages for students between 18 and 25 years of age within the collages. A qualified lecture is recongnized as the leader and she is called the programme officer and under her guidance, the students are trained and encouraged to manage the affairs of the group, electing their own office-bearers.

Main Objective of Youth Red Cross

The main purpose of Organizing the Youth Red Cross is

  • To inculcate national integration in the youth of our country.
  • Giving awareness on the care of their own health and that of other
  • Understanding and acceptance of civic responsibilities and acting accordingly with humanitarian concern, to fulfill the same.
  • To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sence of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth.
  • To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination

Principles of Youth Red Cross

Youth Red Cross has the following three principles:

  • Protection of health and life
  • Service to the sick and suffering
  • Promotion of national and international friendship.
  • To develop the mental and moral capacities of the youth.


Youth should be encourage to manage their own affairs and choose their own activities. Their programme should be as far as possible include something under each of the following heads

  • Promotion of Health and Hygiene
  • Service to others
  • Relief work during emergencies like flood, fire and others natural calamities.
  • National integration
  • World friendliness

Yrc Song

Darthi karo nirmal karo beeda prabu hey Jeevan kar vujval nava jyothi baro hey Dukki janonki seva hum kare

Baththali thonko gale lagale

Shanthi badha shanthi kaarya shanthi varada


Jeevan karo vujval nava jyothi baro hey! Nava jyothi baro hey,nava jyothi baro hey!

YRC programme officers and YRC Volunteers take the pledge

Yrc Member Pledge

Pledge myself to care my own health and that of others, to help the sick and suffering specially children and to look upon the youth all over the world as my friends.

5/10/2016 Blood Donation Camp :

Our College NSS and YRC club together conducted a Blood Donation camp.


Nowely 52 Students have gone to the Government hospital in kedaladi and it was oppreciatable.

Orientation Programme 25.10.2016 to 27.10.2016 :

Under the guidance of our University Vice chancellor Dr.C.DHANABANI and Dr.K.MURUGAN KUTTN lighted the lamp and started the programme. Of 3 days.Frome our College prof.K.LATHA Tamil Dep participated and benefited in it. In this seminar how to do first aid to Students during accidents and also how to eradicate the diseases during disaster will also explained to all the participants. All the participants received a certificate from the hands of Dr. K.MURUGAN the Co-ordinator of YRC.

18/10/2018 Blood Donation camp

Our College NSS and YRC students together donated their blood for the hospital of Kedaladi .Totally 34 Students have donated their blood to save the life of many our human people.



The Youth Red Cross of Thiruvalluvar university, Vellore and Indian Youth

Red cross Society,Tamil Nadu Branch,Chennai-8 jointly organised a One day zonal Level Orientation programme for YRC programme Officers on 09.02.2018 (Friday) at the University Campus. On behind of our College prof.Sivaranan English dep participated and received participants certificate.

07/02/2010 Health Awareness Programme by YRC

On 7th Feb 2019, a health awareness programme was conducted by our YRC in our College. The chief guest of the day was Rev.Sr.Savariyammal from Alligondanpattu, a medical practisonal who service both in Indian and African for many years. She death wise the topic “Mensuation Cycle” she explained about

  • Menstrual cycle
  • Hemoglobin and H.P Level testing
  • Irregular periods
  • White discharge
  • The solution for abdominal pain
  • Solution for irregular periods
  • Menstrual blood banking
  • Symptoms of Anemic
  • IImportance of vegetables in diet
  • Water Therapy while mensuration etc.

After her explanation she called Students to clarify their doubts. As a whole this program was very useful.

06/07/2019 Cleaning


As part of their club works and to practise the Tamil Nadu YRC Zonal Level motto of “Clean India” our YRC Students did the cleaning work within the college camp.

29/07/2019 Awareness on Jaundice & Hepatitis

On 29.07.2019 at a 2pm awareness on Jaundice was given in the villages mrs. Rajeswari, Hod of microbiology address the people about “preventing of jaundice”. She also explained more about Hepatatis .she motivation them

  • Regarding Hepatatis of jaundice
  • How it spreads
  • Ways to get rid of these two
  • Symptoms of jaundice
  • Ways to find out jaundice affected people, very same children
  • Preventing techniques etc…..


On 07/09/2019 our YRC conducted speech competition on the topic “Today’s problems solutions of india held at “GANESH CAR STREET” Thiruvannamalai, and won the prizes. They are

  • D.Divya – I BA. English – Third prize
  • R.Reena – I BA. Tamil – Consolation prize 15/10/201

88th Birth Anniversary of APJ Abdul kalam was celebrated with Various

Activities. Club Co- Ordinator made all arrangements with the YRC Volunteers Our Adapted village periyeri people gathered together to make this Rolly and Awareness programme in a successful way. The chief guest of this day was Sub inspector poornima and our chairman Mr. Vengateshan dealt with the topic “Rainwater Harvesting”. This demo was very useful to save the rain water in a proper way.

In the afternoon our YRC students planted saplings in our campus as remembrance and making his dream of Green India by 2020



On 11.02.2020 at 11 AM Corona Virus Awareness programme was Conducted by our YRC Dr. Vigness MBBS, Karapattu, Mr.Senthil, non-medical practitioner, Elumalai. Health Inspector were invited as a resource person.

Dr.Vignesh spoke about

  • The causes of corona virus
  • Symptoms and mode of transmission
  • Preventive measures etc……

He insisted him, Please there is no medicine to wash frequently and maintain respiratory hygiene.

People of PERIYERI was so happy to attend this programmes 07/03/2020 Awareness of Leprosy

Mr.senthil, non- medical practitioner spoke about

  • Leprosy and its causes
  • Symptoms etc…

He insisted to approach the doctor if anybody have these symptoms. He remainded of Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi who served leprosy affected people.

Inorder to help the poor and needy during this pandemic COVID-19 every district started collecting amount from each and every YRC units, district wise. So from our college RS 4500/- was sent by our YRC students to the district head quacters incharge officer Mr. Vigneshwaran.


Blood Donation Camp

On 16.03.2020 our college NSS, RRC and YRC along with Thiruvannamalai medical college conducted a Blood Donation Camp under the guidance of Dr. Haripriya,

1. Elumalai H.I, BHS, Vengadajalpathi blood health supervisor, NMS Senthil Kumar, HI.Vijayalakshmi, Karapattu,VHM Village health Nursery and training directors. Totally 50 students volunteers donated their blood. This was the greatest help


to do the saving life of many those who are at the death bed. 11/07/2020 Quiz based on COVID-19

By our college YRC through online Quiz competition was conducted to give “awareness to the public and also among students” of various age group. Those who participated in the COVID-19 Quiz Competition received prizes and certificates.


District wise YRC Co-Ordinators meeting was conducted through Online. In this day shared the points off

  • How to be catious during fire and accidents
  • What are the preventive measures held to be taken
  • Treatments and first aid for the accident explainted by the “main speakes from fire and safety department. From our college Ms.Latha, Co-ordinator, YRC has participated and benefited

25/01/2021 National Voter’s Day Awarness Rally

ON 25/01/2021 AT 10 am National Voters Day Awareness Rally was conducted by our college YRC Students. The Rally started from unnamalaipalayam to our college campus.

Rev.Dr. Jasmine – Principal

Rev.Mother Alex – Idhaya Social Centre Incharge Mr.Sunderapandiyan – chairman – pudupalayam


Graced the occasion and addressed the students about the “Importance of voting and electing good and honest persons to build a strong nation.all the faculties,students volunteers took part to the rally and created awareness among the village people. The rally ended into our campus and finally everyone along with our college secretary took voter’s day.


Our Youth Red Cross club has conducted a webinar on “Humanism at the time of COVID-19” with the felicitator Rev.J.Christopher Jebaraj, ALC pastor and church history professor, Madurai. Nearly 105 members participated and benefited through this. He motivated the participants saying

  • Human are returning from humanism to animals
  • Causes for these situation is four reason
  • 1. Anger

    2. Fear (it should be chased out)

    3. Stress

    4. Vulnerability (poverty, neglect from family)

    Without publicity we need to do help others those who are inneed.

    1. He explained about the heart scene of “dead bodies which are carried into auto and ambulance.”

    In this meeting from 1) Students need to donate their blood every year planting trees and conducte their need to be practised was empazised and also throne out without any reverence or respect from their own families and neighbours.

    2. Sexual harrasment (people who does this act like an animal, these people should be arrested and need to be punished.

    3. In the hospitals instead of Oxygen only air is connected and given to the people who are admitted and suffering for breath. When we ask the medical department incharge they reply “we can’t help“ their humanity is in death bed.

    There are people who practised humanism also has lived in this world. There are 3600 worries who are rendering their services through “RED CROSS” during this COVID-19 by doing the activities of Helping them mentally,financially,socially and helping the needy people.

    He Concluded saying:

    2. 90year old women SUZANNE HOYLEARTS in Bilgium, offered her Ventilator to a dying patient of 27years old. Also he empazised with evidences.

    3. How Catholic churches,Schools,mask,educational Institutions are converted into hospitals for the patient of COVID -19.

    So we need to be passionate to see with Humanism , for that we should cultivate the habit of dedicative life at this young stage by overcoming the 4 habits of ,Anger , fear, stress and ,Vulnerabililies etc.


    College principal Sr.Dr.Jasmine thanked all the participants and appreciated the Chief guest for his motivated talk and thanked Dr.E.Anne for taking this initiative and successfully, completing this webinar.


    Based on the letters received from collegiate of education to conduct COVID-19 Awareness compaign for 7 days from 01.08.2021 to 07.08.2021 our college YRC has taken incharge to conduct “SKIT DRAMA” with help of the club students. They enacted a COVID-


    19 Awareness drama by the help of a student scientists motivation and another student dressed like corona and dramatized by raising the questions of where and when corona was started, who was the first man who died due to corona and also stressed the importance of wearing mask, maintaining social distance, frequent handwashing and the necessity of taking vaccination. The drama emphasized the points, if we follow the instructions pf the government strictly, we are sure that the terrific corona virus can be thrown out from this world very soon.


    Voters Day

    On 25th January our YRC club organized voters day Bold in our college. Dr.E.Anne, department of Tamil spoke about the importance of voting and selecting good and honest persons to build strong a nation. Finally our Tamil students along with club students took voter’s day oath.
